Tuesday, January 31, 2012

20 Inspirational Dragon Logo Designs Collection!!

A Logo Designer is always looking for an interesting feature around himself to get inspired and create a online logo design company. A dragon within a logo represents power and durability.

Below are inspiring Dragon Logo Designs which can bring unique logo design ideas for logo designers.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Creative Sun Logo Design Showcase!!

Including a nature element within a logo design always adds creativity and uniqueness to a company logo. Adding the feature of "sun" to a logo design will give it a brightening and enlightening feel.

Below are 12 Sun Logo Designs with "sun" being the focal element.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

30 Inspired Leaf Logo Designs !!

Adding a leaf symbol in your logo design can represent different aspects about your business. A leaf symbol is used in a logo to represent life, greenery, purity and freshness.

Below, is an inspiring collection of "Leaf Logos" where you will see how well a leaf can decorate your company logo and make it look so meaningful.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Eco logos – Creating Environmental Awareness!

As the intensity against the BP logo design continues, the trend of eco-logos is emerging fast and rapidly. After the major Oil spill, BP’s reputation is at stake. Time calls for companies and corporations to focus more on environmental impacts of their business and to take corrective measures.

Also recently, EU redesigned its organic logo to a green leaf. For your inspiration, following are 10 wonderful eco logos that portray environment affinity: